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Nov. 21: Guided tour "Within My Walls and Beyond" during Friends of Caux Weekend

November 12, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 09:30 to Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 16:30 


You are invited to either stay for the entire "Friends of Caux Weekend" in Caux, Switzerland to or join us for a couple of hours in the Caux-Expo for a guided tour of my photo exhibition, Within My Walls and Beyond, storytelling and a participatory experience on Saturday afternoon.


"Join the weekend of the Friends of Caux to learn more about Initiatives of Change. It is open to all persons who would like to recharge their batteries and to practice an open and honest dialogue around the theme of migration. The weekend will be held in German and French."  


For any questions, please contact me or register here.


The guided tour of my photo exhibition, Within My Walls and Beyond, and a storytelling circle will take place on Saturday, 21 November 2015 from 13:00 to 15:00.


- You will learn about Undine Groeger's travelling photo exhibition, Within My Walls and Beyond, that is currently in partnership with the CAUX-Initiatives of Change Foundation (CAUX-IofC). Her (photo) story on the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall will take you from Berlin to Transnistria, a post-Soviet frozen conflict zone between Moldova and Ukraine. It portrays memories of the past, and a path to healing and reconciliation.


Watch video teaser:



- We invite you to share your stories on the Berlin wall and walls that persist in your communities while contributing to a participatory art project.


- You will learn about the Within Our Walls and Beyond project that aims “to reconcile the past in the present through the power of photography” and how you can support this project.



More info: 
Undine Groeger’s travelling photo exhibition, Within My Walls and Beyond, was first exhibited in November, 2014 to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the support of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva.

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Photo of the Paperback Cover

Caux: Healing the Past - Forging the Future

by Mike Brown (Author), John Williams (Author)

Caux Edition, Switzerland, 1996

ISBN 10: 2880370299












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